Clothes clean on long trip
To keep clothing smelling fresh on a long trip, place opened bars of soap throughout your suitcase or intersperse scented fabric-softener sheets throughout the clothing items.
Also, take along small spray bottles of Febreeze or a scented body spray (Dollar Store items work just fine for this). After taking off the day’s clothing items, hang them in a closet and spray them with one of these products.
Wash clothes as often as possible. You can now buy Tide in small packets — good for one wash each. Or carry soap powder in a zip-lock bag (I double-bag it); as you use it down, it will take less space.
Wash out clothes as soon as you arrive at the next hotel, for the maximum drying time. Take along a couple of small clothespins to hang items onto the hotel’s hangers.
Wrapping a clean bath towel around the various wet items and then wringing it by twisting will remove lots of excess water in those items. If a hair dryer is available, it will help with the start of the drying process.
Tulsa, OK