Bird-watching Down Under
This item appears on page 57 of the May 2011 issue.
Tell ITN about the funniest thing that ever happened to you while traveling in a foreign country. (ITN prints no info on destinations in the United States.) There are no restrictions on length. The ITN staff will choose each month’s winner, who will receive a free one-year subscription to ITN. Entries not chosen cannot be acknowledged.
This month’s winner is DEE HORNBACK of Los Altos, CA:
There we were, bird-watching in a boat, eight passengers and our guide silently gliding in a side canyon in Western Australia’s Kimberley region in April 2009.
Roger, a fellow passenger, excitedly whispered, “There’s one with a gray head and a white belly!”
I let a long pause elapse before remarking, “Roger, you’re describing me.”