Enticing eats in Phnom Penh
By Florence Drake
This item appears on page 17 of the March 2013 issue.
This item appears on page 17 of the March 2013 issue.
At David’s Fresh Noodle (No. 213 13th Street, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; phone 855 12 351 890 or e-mail som_bath@yahoo.com), I had the best restaurant food of my three weeks’ stay in Phnom Penh, Nov. 4-23, 2012.
This little place was clean, with maybe eight tables, and there were many choices, not just noodles. I had fried calamari and hand-cut French fries that weren’t at all greasy for $2.90 plus a Coke for $1.
The restaurant was just a short walk down 13th Street from the National Museum. The owner runs a children’s charity (Palm School of Tom Village in the Tom Community of Takeo Province), so a lot of his profits go to the charity.
Readfield, ME