Tip for recalling PINs

By Rod Smith
This item appears on page 46 of the March 2015 issue.

After reading the letter “Forgot My PIN. Now What?”(Jan. ’15, pg. 26), about someone forgetting his ATM PIN while on a trip, I thought I might share my solution for this same concern.

When preparing for a trip, I fill out a page with addresses and emails of family and friends. Also on the page, usually at the top by my name, I print my PINs. I do NOT identify them, so only I know the meaning of each set of four numbers.

I usually carry two ATM cards and two credit cards with me. The numbers blend in with the other numbers on the page, but they help me remember my PINs when I’m jet-lagged. The list has “saved me” more than once.


Oskaloosa, KS