“The Italian Lakes”
This item appears on page 52 of the September 2015 issue.
8-day, 7-night gourmet walking tour of northern ITALY, May 18-25, 2016. Five days of walking (average of 8 miles a day). Highlights: In Milan, private tour of “Last Supper”/boat touring on Como, Maggiore, Orta lakes/walk through hamlets to Torno/climb to ridge of Triangolo Lariano/in Locarno, SWITZERLAND, ride funicular to start hike/on Isola Bella, 17th-century villa/climb Monte Mottarone/Basilica di San Giulio. Land, €2,895 (near $3,167) ppdo. Single supp., €275. Hedonistic Hiking (P.O. Box 200, Porepunkah, Victoria, 3740, Australia; phone +61 [0] 3 5755 2307, www.hedonistichiking.com.au).