Mexico City by taxi

By Frank Schneider
This item appears on page 14 of the September 2015 issue.

After spending a week with seven others in a rented villa near Manzanillo, Mexico, June 20-27, 2015, six of us had a 7-hour layover in Mexico City on our way home to Chicago. Since we had never visited the cty, we inquired about a tour.

Initially, we were told there were no tour companies operating from the airport, but then someone suggested we try a taxi. We made inquiries and eventually hired Ismael Calvillo (phone [cell] +044 55 2829 8415 or [home] 5712 7700) and his large taxi to show us the city.

Ismael is fluent in English and knowledgeable about Mexico City’s history. He drove us past many historic locations and statues. We even got to drive by a colorful, noisy and enthusiastic parade! Because of the parade and because of an auto race in the city center, we were unable to visit the traditional historic district.

Our 3-hour tour included a visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, where Emperor Maximilian’s wife, Carlota, used to worship daily.

For the six of us, the cost of the tour was 900 pesos (about $62), not including the tip. There was an additional charge of 340 pesos each time we left or entered the airport.

We all enjoyed our time with Ismael and highly recommend him.


Chicago, IL