Weather in Vietnam?

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My ;wife and I are planning a trip to Vietnam in 2014. We will be there for three weeks. What is the best time to travel there in terms of temperature and rain?

One of the sites I like to look at when planning travel dates is:

You search by city, then can look at the columns for average temperature, highest, lowest temps, rainfall and often humidity.

Vietnam’s climate is very diverse because the country covers a wide range of latitudes and altitudes.

The North: The cold season is between November and April when average temperatures are around 60°F/16°C and it is often wet and chilly. In the hot period, between May and October, the average temperature is about 86°F/30°C.

Central: Central Vietnam offers a combination of climates: northern and southern. The southern part has less rainfall and the temperatures are similar to those in the south. The northern part has more rain and significant changes in temperature. The rainy season in the center lasts from September to December. Especially during the months of October and November, central Vietnam is hit by typhoons with strong winds and heavy downpours.

The South: The temperatures in the south are constant all year, ranging from 77-86°F/25-30°C. The dry season is from November to April and the wet period from May to October.

The South: The temperatures in the south are constant all year, ranging from 77-86°F/25-30°C. The dry season is from November to April and the wet period from May to October.


Thanks for your most helpful comments. At this point I am thinking about traveling mostly in the south, Ho Chi Minh City, Cai Be, etc. So it looks like January might be a good time to go.

Your welcome, have a safe and fun journey.